Sunday, October 16, 2011

Browned Butter & Sour Cream Cornbread!

It's the season, you know, crisp nights and soups and stews and pot pies and CORNBREAD!
My sister-in-law sent this recipe to my sister and then my sister sent it to me and with the handy cast iron skillet, I baked this in no time and it is yummy!
Want the recipe? Comment on this post and I will send it along to you!


Rachel said...

hello send it to me. and why wasn't there some left for us??

sara velder said...

There's a whole lot left.....I made a double batch in the 12" skillet.

Kimmie said...

Yum, yum! I wish i had my Mother's cast iron! I just can't seem to get mine seasoned like hers were. :-(

sara velder said...

The new cast iron skillets come pre-seasoned and as long as you don't use dish soap on them and just wash with hot water and dry it as soon as possible while keeping it warm, it should work. A light oil on it and you're good to go!