I belong to the
Statler Sisters Yahoo Group, although it's now
Statler Siblings Group because there are male quilters out there, you know.....anyway, the Australian
Statler ladies are asking the USA quilters of all kinds to donate blocks so they can put them together to give to this small town of 800 people who have all lost so much in the flooding!
I am one of 5 people who are collecting the blocks to mail to Australia.
Please take a moment to see if you can contribute to this grand idea to help so many people "down under".
The deadline to have the blocks to me is February 28
th 2011.
Please use good quality fabric.
You will be making the Rail Fence blocks at a measurement of 12 1/2 inches.
You may send one block or as many as you would like.
ALSO accepting orphan blocks that you really just need to get out of your house because you'll never use them.
Make them in any color. One medium, one light and one dark strip. Optional idea is to put your name and city and state on the light strip. Use a micron pen or something that won't run.
Here is the link to the Rail Fence directions:
http://www.quilterscache.com/R/RailFenceBlock.htmlThe block needs to be squared and measure 12 1/2 inches.
mail them to me at:
Velder4032 310
th Street
Elmwood NE 68349
And please pass the word along to all your fellow quilters and friends!
Thank you so much!