Saturday, April 3, 2010

Cornhuskers vs Longhorns!

Kathy has made this wonderful quilt for her son and daughter-in-law. Her son is in Kuwait so it will be a surprise when he comes home, but what a surprise it will be! Terrific job on this one!
Have you ever seen the Longhorns and the Cornhuskers getting along like this?

Kathy's son was brought up in Nebraska. Loves the Cornhuskers!

Kathy's daughter-in-law was brought up in Texas! Loves the Longhorns!

The quilt pattern was Texas Longhorns. Black thread was used on the overall pattern.

1 comment:

Jeanne Oliver said...

This is truly amazing! I am always in awe of women that can quilt...I do not think I am patient enough to do it. Beautiful job!